Ambrose Advice offerrs besproke services in:
Contsructive political impact is achieved through cultivating uplifting and lasting relationships. Our global network of political, religious and civil society leaders is constantly growing; our expertise is especially focussed on:
- United States of America. We have special expertise where it concerns the new (2025) US government.
- Benelux & Central Europe
- EU institutions
- East Africa
Stable international relations also require an expereinced grasp of diplomacy and international law. Our legal expertise therefore focuses on questions of constitutional law and human rights law and matters of international justice.

We empower office holders to retain their sovereignty and integrity as human beings. Through insights gained over many years, we have crafted a unique Public Leadership Mentoring Program, with a special focus on:
- personal ethics
- principles of lawmaking
- public speaking
- diplomatic negotiation skills
Leaders can only be effective and do good when their life as a whole is built on sound ethical principles and clear priorities that matter. Our advisory helps leaders recenter, and then refocus their attention on what is truly important in life.

Our societies cannot recover from their self-inflicted wounds and the deep crisis in political leadership and international affairs when its root cause that is educational decline is not adressed in a structural and holistic way. We therefore advise on:
- Educational principles
- Educational reform
- Educational projects
- Education policy & law
In the wise words of John Adams, founding father and president of the United States of America:
“As long as knowledge and virtue are diffused generally among the body of a nation, it is impossible they should be enslaved.”
“Maturity: among other things – not to hide one’s strength out of fear and, consequently, live below one’s best.”
Dag Hammarskjöld
Secretary-General of the United Nations 1953-1961